A SWIFT code, also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC), is a unique code used to identify financial institutions, primarily banks, and other financial organizations worldwide. SWIFT stands for "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication," and it is a global network that enables secure and standardized communication between financial institutions.

SWIFT codes are used in international financial transactions, such as wire transfers, to ensure that the funds are sent to the correct recipient's bank. Each financial institution that is part of the SWIFT network is assigned a unique SWIFT code, which consists of a series of letters and/or numbers. This code helps identify the specific bank or branch, making international financial transactions more efficient and accurate.


Country Number of Swift Codes Number of Banks
CAMEROON 8 From 5 different Banks
UNITED STATES 24 From 20 different Banks
UNITED KINGDOM 18 From 14 different Banks
ALGERIA 7 From 5 different Banks
FRANCE 17 From 14 different Banks
TURKEY 11 From 2 different Banks
CHINA 22 From 1 different Banks
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2 From 2 different Banks
NIGERIA 20 From 15 different Banks
ALBANIA 2 From 2 different Banks